"Stephan Noel Lang reaches for the full on the grand piano, pulls off complex vamps, leaves no questions unanswered when it comes to changes and voicings and glides into his solos quite naturally, staying at the core of the song and weaving arcs from there." - Volker Präkelt
May 2024 | The Oblivion Trio has released its debut album ‘Hommage á Piazzolla’, more details on the band project page
February 2024 | Stephan Noel Lang's second trio album “Tender Tracks” has been released, more details on the band project page
Upcoming releases
I'm looking forward to the recordings for my first solo album. Preparations are almost complete, with eleven tracks, all original compositions, selected. The release of ‘SOLO WORKS’ (provisional title) is planned for 2025.